Sunday, February 13, 2011

100 squats a day takes a few pounds away

Hi, this is the first time I’m posting on my blog. For your information, this blog is dedicated to help anybody out there that needs to shape up, lose weight and gain the highest confidence by looking their best naturally.
My first post will be about the importance of squat movement. ‘The Squat’ is mainly a very basic body function movement that is fun and at the same time challenges the body strength. Enough blabber about functions, if I was to explain what happen in the body while this movement is executed you guys are going to keep on reading and never start working out.
Now starting with a good stance will deliver a good outcome of the workout. First, stand straight while both feet facing forward, not to left or right. Spread the legs shoulder length wide, both arm raise forward for stability. Now tricky part, drive your butt way to back while lower your legs down and both foot is glued to the ground. While executing this move, if you heels are raised and the body hangs on your fore foot, the movement is not effective or considered wrong. After 10 reps of this move, you will feel a burning sensation on your thighs. This will raise your heartbeat and put you to training state and 100 reps is enough to get your through the day (if you’re a beginner).
The problem of having no time to work out is bull all the way because everybody has 24 hours a day; the point is to use the time efficiently. No exercise gear needed for this move, you can do it while in full office suit, jogging suit or naked in the bathroom.
It is always a good idea to use something for stability when working on this move. Like holding on a pole, make-up table or holding a partners hands, but when you do it without any support challenges your core that will be a great help to tone your abs (I’m going to go through this on the next post).
 For people who has injury on the knees are not allowed to do this move as it may do the knees worst than ever. Please consult a physio before stating a work out. For beginners, 10 sets of 10 reps advisable. For advance level, 4 sets of 25 are encouraged. Experts, do it with plyometrics jumps (jump squats). After 10 days of workout, if you feel the work out is not challenging enough, please add on weights such as dumbbells or something heavier than 3 kg to give that extra tension on the legs.
What happens in 30 days doing this exercise in 30 days? All results may vary depending on the diet. What happened to me is I started 92 kg and ended 87kg after 30 days. My meals were simple food with a lot of veggies and protein-base food. Having not much time and I’m a really lazy person to exercise, This was a remarkable break through where I’m actually kind enough to share. Be sure to do this and I will continue my stories next post. Adios!

